News list for " simpson"

Bitcoin regains $62,000, analysts say worst may be over

Ben Simpson, founder of Collective Shift, a crypto education platform, said that with the end of the German "forced sell-off" and Mt. Gox repayments almost priced in, analysts believe that the accommodative macro environment will be the driver of bitcoin prices in the coming months. He believes that Jerome Powell hints that interest rates may be lowered in the near future, the S & P 500 Index hits a new high, and a large number of bitcoin ETF funds are all positive for bitcoin.

2024-07-15 14:03:00

加密教育平台Collective Shift创始人Ben Simpson表示,随着德国“强制抛售”结束且 Mt. Gox 还款几乎已计入价格,分析师认为宽松的宏观环境将成为未来几个月比特币价格的推动力。他认为杰罗姆·鲍威尔暗示可能会在不久的将来降低利率、标准普尔500指数创下新高、比特币ETF资金大量回流等都利好比特币。

2024-07-15 14:03:00

Od据官方消息,Simpson 即将在 BSC 链上推出 BSC-404 图币协议。BSC-404 图币协议旨在解决 NFT 流动性问题,Simpson 代币持有者自动获得相关 NFT。

2024-03-18 16:05:48